No Permanent Address
Wednesday, December 7
  Harriet writes:

"I was wondering if sometime you could explain how and why some of these persons are homeless."

Homelessness is a walk in life; a collection of experiences that comes from living day to day when you have no permanent address.

Homelessness isn’t caused by addiction, mental illness, or sin. Homelessness is not always miserable, can actually be healthy, and does not always mean 'poor'.

A person can be homeless and still have a job, a cell phone, even a major credit card. You can be homeless and travel cross country with the changing seasons. A homeless person may or may not file honest tax returns.

Being homeless can mean spending time alone, hating life. But that can happen if you are a rock star, or even a President.

Being homeless might make recovery from addiction difficult; it probably complicates mental health issues; and it could lead to a life of debauchery. But then, the walk in life of the clergy could do the same things.

Homelessness does not have to be a chronic condition. But then, I’ve known chronic liars who couldn’t tell a straight joke to the judge.

When you are homeless, you can have blood relatives and never be in touch. You can have a home with family all around you, and you may never experience unconditional love.

Bad things can happen to you when you are homeless. But then, bad things happen to good people all the time.

Homelessness may not be a chosen walk in life, but for some, it is their walk in life. The homeless will always be with us; and there will always be pain and suffering in the world.

Now that we know that, what are we going to do about it?


Homeless people will never just disappear...perhaps they are angels in disquise watching us look the other way. As we indulge in fancies, and make our priority having the best of the best, giving the pet in the family their special Christmas stocking. My oh my, I am ashamed of us all, how we gloat with our fat bellies, still looking for the next "whats in it for me". We are all gluttons, we know nothing of unconditional love. We don't even want to know those words exist, this makes it much more comfortable to continue with the "whats in it for me"......we should be ashamed. We are uncaring, and blinded about what fullness is, and light is, and hope is....hmmmmmmmm maybe it's just too much work. But we do have time to take our dog to the parlor, and have our nails done, it is a shame...especially when the angels are watching us and our lousy performance. Denise
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